Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I get passionate about my politics. I do my best to keep an open mind - I like to hear other people's points of view. Its when we sit in our own little worlds and never venture out that we become stale and stagnant and I don't want that.

I have historically been on the liberal side of things, though I find myself more in the middle now and (gasp) even a little on the right on some things - a little. I have issues with labeling myself a conservative/republican, etc - don't wanna do it. Anyway, the presidential race always seems to be fun for me - watching CNN endlessly, even taking in some talk radio (I'm probably not old enough to admit that), the Sunday morning round tables.

This year I was more into the primaries than before. I mean, history was being made either way on the Democratic side. My choice - no shame in my game - was Hillary. I was on board 100% - even chased down Bill at a Hill rally (pic to prove it) with my boss one day. I watched the primaries closely and was excited and hopeful for a Hill comeback after Super Tuesday. The comeback didn't happen and I was stuck with two candidates that didn't excite me at all - McCain v. Obama.

I don't trust Obama. I was on the fence until the deal with his Reverend came out and that pushed me over. I have a very hard time believing that you can sit under someone's preaching and teaching for years and years and then say you don't believe anything he (and your church) believes. Doesn't add up, people, doesn't add up.

Why am I on the fence with McCain? Four more years of the GOP?? And, to be honest, that whole getting labeled thing mentioned above (I know one vote doesn't make me one, but still).

So, I was waiting for the VP picks - would we have an Obama/Clinton ticket? Nope - he goes with Joe Biden (change...what? where?). Who in the heck would McCain pick to steal some of the Hillary supporters not on board with Obama? Much to everyone's surprise - Sarah Palin.

I'd never heard of her before. I was not immediately impressed. I mean, a no-name from Alaska is supposed to draw my vote that was going to go to Hill? I must admit, though, after reading about what she's done and hearing her story...I'm getting impressed. She's tackled corruption, cut some crazy spending, had five kids, won a beauty pageant and a state basketball championship. That's busy for a 44 year old.

I haven't officially decided, but I'm leaning a little to the right. I might even be watching some of the RNC. Maybe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love reading your thoughts, Mandy.

I have to say I'm a bit of a pessimist when it comes to politics. I too love watching everything, but when it comes to choosing I still feel like it is commenting on celebrity activity ("I hate Britney, she is so fake!") I fear we don't nor will we ever KNOW the real and full picture of the candidate we are to put our trusty vote on. I don't think that can stop us from making a decision - after all - I don't take freedom for granted. I love that we can make up our mind and vote in that direction. It's just daunting.